Monday, November 5, 2007

I dont have a picture for today. :( Im getting a new camera soon! I promise! I bought a good Sony digital camera a few years ago and of course, my luck, I dropped it and the screen cracked. Now I cant tell what Im taking pictures of. I have been holding off spending the money on another one since they are so expensive. But seeing everyone elses blogs with all the updated pictures makes me want a new camera. Maybe it can be a early Christmas present to me from me!!
Its neat to see so many people making their own blog's! Something I never knew would be so popular and fun to do. It's also a good way to get to know everyone a little better. Thanks to Shannon Sanders who got me hooked, Im trying to be more creative with mine but Im not quite the writer that some of you are. My blogs will usually be short and sweet.
Everyone have a good week and lets keep up the blogging!!


Christina said...

Hey Stacy,
I'm like you are...not to eloquent with my words. Words come hard for me Aaron was the word man! I am just like you short and sweet and to the point. Thank you for all of the cordinating of the meals this past month. Everyone there at the church is such a blessing to our life. It is an honor to know each and every one of you. God Bless, Christina